Kulturbuehne Neustadt e.V. (NGO) has extensive experience working on different socio-cultural, educational, and urban development projects in the LHE Halle-Neustadt in collaboration with the local government. They will be important in reaching and involving socially disadvantaged citizen groups in Halle-Neustadt to ensure inclusive planning processes.The NGO operates a socio-cultural neighbourhood centre in the centre of Halle Neustadt “Passage 13” for arts, culture, science, and youth (450 sqm with maker space, stage, radio studio, computer cabinet). They are the responsible body for the centre management of Halle Neustadt town centre, which supports the involvement of tradespeople and residents in the upgrading and development of the shopping area. They are engaged in manifold activities in neighbourhood development, network and participation (support for local children’s and youth groups, youth associations, migrant, cultural and social associations and initiatives by providing spaces, necessary resources, expertise and design tools; organization of district festivals; transcultural work; development of open and green spaces in the district as school garden, initiating new open spaces in the district for adolescents; family and women’s cafés, cycling courses for women, counselling). They were partner in several projects, e.g., Smart City project “Smart Haneu” (development of access points and Smart-Meeting Point Treff for participation in digitalisation for disadvantaged population groups); Youth programme of the SILBERSALZ science and media festival for science education; state programme for Eastern German federal states “Weltoffen, Solidarisch, Dialogisch” (Open-minded, Solidarity, Dialogue) for communicating development policy issues to new target groups.
Kulturbühne Neustadt E.V.